Frequently asked questions


Who is this for?

what is included in the price?

what makes this different?

what if I'm still not sure?

does it matter what camera I have?

where is it being held?

Not at all! As long as you have a camera that you can put into full manual mode, you're good to go!  We both currently use Sony, but before that Kristen was Canon girl, and Jessica shot on a Nikon... so we've got you covered and can help with whatever gear you're using!
We both believe that really understanding your camera and lighting is way more important in getting quality pictures, over having the most expensive gear!

You'll have two instructors, with each of us sharing all of our knowledge with you. You won't just be sitting and passively listening to lectures - but instead, after we talk about a topic, we'll spend time actually practicing that skill, so that we can help you with any questions you have as we go!
We also intentionally designed this to be for a small group. Sometimes the large conferences can be overwhelming and you can feel lost in the crowd. We didn't want that for you... we believe that people learn best in smaller groups, and we love the idea of community!

No problem! Just contact us... we'd love to answer any other questions you have! We definitely want to make sure this is a good fit for where you're at and what you're looking for... so let's chat to make sure we're the right ones to help you on this part of your journey!

This is for the photographer... no matter where you're at in your journey.  Whether you're just starting out and don't feel super comfortable with your camera yet, or you've been shooting for awhile but your images just aren't turning out the way you want them to - this is for you! 
Whether you're hoping to start your own photography business, or simply want to capture your family's memories in a beautiful way... this workshop will help you do just that!

We've picked out the coolest location for this workshop and can't wait to spend the day there with all of you! We'll be in the heart of the Texas Hill Country, at the Kendalia Greenhouse, which is a little less than an hour from San Antonio and New Braunfels. Situated on 6 peaceful private acres, we'll spend time indoors teaching and then head outside to practice what you've learned!
So much goodness... you're gonna love it!  
  • 5 hours of hands-on classroom instruction with multiple topics, and practice with each skill as we go
  • 2 styled shoots - so you walk away with images for your portfolio 
  • a light breakfast, snacks, and lunch 
  • a workbook for all of your notes and new ideas 
  • post-workshop exercises that you can submit to us for continued feedback and help!

You don't have to figure it all out on your own!

Register now!

We both have invested many hours into our own growth throughout the years - workshops, classes, conferences, online learning - you name it! And we both agree that investing in yourself and your business is SO important in being successful! Now we want to share what we've learned with you... and we can't wait to see what you can create!