Master your camera

& connect with others

Helping new photographers capture scroll-stopping images, shoot confidently in any setting, and express their unique vision and creativity through their camera

a workshop for new photographers

May 3
Kendalia, Texas






you have the desire to create beautiful images... you just need someone to show you how

You know what's so common for new photographers?
You can "see" what a good photo looks like in your head... but when you look at the photos you're actually creating, they just don't have that professional vibe that you were going for.

We get it... because we've been there... and we know there is a LOT to learn when it comes to photography! We'd love to help you, so you can skip the frustration of trying to learn it all on your own. After this workshop, you'll know how to create consistently great images that are as good in real life as they are in your head!

Join us for a FULL DAY, IN-PERSON WORKSHOP, WHERE WE'LL TEACH YOU EVERYthing you need to know

camera settings, lighting, composition, focus, white balance, and more

The best part? 
You'll walk away with new friendships and access to both of us as mentors as you continue your journey! 

We believe in community over competition.

Here is your chance to

build your community

We've intentionally designed this workshop to be for a small, intimate group.
We're only accepting 10 photographers so that we can give you the best possible experience. 

No sitting in large rooms, lost in the crowd.
No feeling too shy to get your questions answered.

We believe the best education happens when there's 1:1 interaction, plenty of hands-on practice, and a group you can truly connect with.

YOu don't have to see the whole staircase... you just have to take the first step

ready to do this?
